Ruby Rain
$60.00 – $90.00
A combination of yellow and transparent ruby glass are applied to a gather of clear and fused together in an 1,800 degree furnace.
The molten combination is dragged across a steel marver to twist and stretch the colors into the image of virga rain falling during a ruby sunset.
After reheating to a flowing consistency the material is blown into a cherry wood mold then tooled into a splash configuration.
The design is modeled on a complex weather phenomenon called virga which is a form of rain that never reaches the ground.
Virga can produce dramatic and beautiful scenes, especially during red sunsets.
The red light can be caught by these streamers of falling precipitation. See the modeling image to the left.
Sometimes upper level winds will push the bottom ends of the virga causing it to sweep across the sky at an angle resulting in a more dramatic visual effect.