Burgundy Atomic

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A burgundy fume is applied to an enormous gather of blown glass. A second gather of clear is applied providing a dimensional layer for the application of the “electron orbits.” The orbits are cased in a final gather of clear which is fumed with a mirror finish.

After 48 hours of annealing the front, back and top of the design are sawed off and polished to an optical finish for viewing the interior design elements.

Atoms are the smallest component of matter. The graphic symbol of the atom is a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by orbits of electrons.

The positive electrical charge of an atoms tiny nucleus repels other atoms with a force equivalent to 30 million degrees of kinetic energy.

Each second our sun fuses 564 million tons of hydrogen creating 560 million tons of helium. The missing 4 million tons of matter are converted to energy: a tiny fraction of which makes life on earth possible.