Olympic Gold

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Gold has been mined continuously for over 6,000 years and is still used as a store of national wealth.

Gold is also used to affirm the achievements of our world’s greatest Olympic athletes.

If a gold medal performance defines what you strive for in your organization, then the Olympic Gold is your design.

The interior of the Olympic is plated in pure gold with silver and bronze versions also available.

The richest gold deposits on earth are found in South Africa’s 186 mile wide Vredfort Crater which was formed by an asteroid impact 2 billion years ago.

The original gold-bearing rocks were laid down 950 million years before the impact and were covered by thick layers of rock and lava.

The asteroid distorted the basin bringing the gold near the surface where it was exposed by erosion.

Its discovery in 1886 launched the Witwatersrand Gold Rush and founding of Johannesburg.

50% of all the world’s gold has been extracted from Witwatersrand rocks.