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Advance planning and shop preparation are mandatory before attempting this design.

Manipulating large gathers of heavy molten glass, while fusing multiple colors and design elements is a challenge that requires several artists working in tandem.

The design is inspired by an experience I had in college on the top floor of the research library at UCSB.

Several huge waterspouts had formed in the bay just off Goleta Beach and were marching onshore as long shafts of water spiraled around each funnel.

Seeing the spouts up close revealed a soft textured main body interleaved with darker twisting bands that swayed beneath the cloud base. It was incredible.

This version depicts a Waterspout in the early development stages where the funnel tip is reaching for the water below.

“It’s BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Great color, shape and proportion. Thanks to Brian and the Team!!!!!!!”

Richard Mungall, Tamblyn Studio – est. 1895, Leawood, Kansas